产品名称:火电站汽轮机系统用抽汽止回阀 | 产品型号:抽汽止回阀 |
产品规格:公称通径:DN 150~1100 | 技术参考:公称压力:PN 150Lb~3000LbII,阀体材料:WCB、WC6、WC9 |
主要用途:广泛应用于电力等行业 | 使用效果:该产品先后配套北重、上汽、东汽,平圩电厂、秦皇岛电厂、石景山电厂等 |
产品水平:2000年荣获国家级新产品奖 | 鉴定单位: |
鉴定时间: | 开发单位:河南开封高压阀门有限公司 |
This kind of valve is used to the extraction pipe in the power plant for protecting the safety of the turbin, which is the key equipment for the power plant .The disc of the valve has the automatic rush performance, the pole and the shaft of the air jar is connected without restriction .The structure of push resistant seal and closed –open pneumatic packet, the controlling loop can adjust the pressure and the speed .The valve can be closed and open swiftly . the time of the close ≤0.5s。